The International Micro Cupper Class Association (IMCCA), is governed by the Class Constitution, Class Rules and Regulations.

Governing bodies are the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

Philippe Benaben president@micro-class.orgPresidentFRA
Francis Marxf.marx@micro-class.orgVice President, in charge of development with emerging countriesGER
Marco d’Albamicroitaly.presidenza@gmail.comVice President, in charge of CruisingRUS
Jean Louis Hayes
General SecretaryFRA
Manfred BAUENDAHLm.bauendahl@micro-class.orgChief MeasurerGER
Régis Mitonneauwebmaster@micro-class.orgTreasurerFRA
Piotr Manzackpiotr@4-pro.techEuro Micro calendar and resultsFRA