IMCCA 2014 GA in Brest in August 2015
NewsIMCCA General Assembly 2014 in Brest in 2015, during the World Championships.

Polish Euro Micro Regatta Date Changed!
Events, NoticeWe are sorry to inform you at a short notice that Polish Micro Championships Regatta (also the Polish Euro Micro regatta for this year) has been moved to an earlier date due to drought and problems with…

Micro Class Rules 2015-2018 Published
NewsIMCCA is happy to announce that the new edition of class rules is approved by ISAF and fully applicable.
You can download the Class Rules of the Micro Class, edition 2015-2018 from our Class Rules…

Serbian Euro Micro 2015 Regatta
Events, NoticeYC Zemun hosted the 2015 Serbian Euro Micro regatta. 15 boats with one crew from Slovakia participated. Conditions were very tricky - low winds and strong current of the river Danube.
This made the…

Euro Micro Italy – CANCELED
Events, NoticeDear all,
It is with great displeasure that, because of the failure to reach the minimum number of participants, we are forced to cancel the inaugural Italian Euro Micro Cup 2015.
The IEMC 2015 was…

WC 2015 Website Launched!
Events, NoticeCheck out the new website dedicated to the Micro WC 2015.

2015 Euro Micro Calendar is Here!
Events, NewsStart preparing for the next season by planning your Euro Micro appearances. The 2015 Euro Micro Calendar is here.

Euro Micro Results for 2014
Events, News, ResultsFinaly we have the results of this years Euro Micro Championship. After 7 regattas, including the World Championship in Berlin, the ranking in all 3 divisions is here. This year we had 51 boats in the…

Results of the Euro Micro Poland regatta
Events, ResultsHere you can find the results of the Polish Euro Micro regatta.

Latvian Euro Micro Results
Events, ResultsHere you can find the results of the Latvian Euro Micro regatta.

Results of the Euro Micro Regatta in Belgium
Events, ResultsThe last Euro Micro regatta of the year is finished. Check out the results.

Results of the Serbian Euro Micro Regatta
Events, ResultsThis years Serbian Euro Micro regatta was postponed due to heavy floods in Serbia in May. The regatta was organized in mid October.
Good wind and great weather with temperatures over 20 degrees…

Great Micro Regatta in Slovakia
Events, Results
Slovak Micro Championship was held from 16.8. - 17.8. on Oravska Priehrada, Slovakia. There were 16 crews participating mostly from Poland (11), and from Slovakia (5).
8 races were run, 5 on…

The new Micro World Champion is crowned!
Events, News, ResultsPiotr Ogrodnik and his crew Piotr Petryla and Grzegorz Banaczyk are the new World Champion 2014 in the ISAF recognized Micro Cupper Class.
The team from Poland did a superb job: With 6 bullets out of…

Invitation to Euro Micro in Latvia
Events, NoticeLatvian Micro Class Yacht Association sincerely invites you to visit Riga and take part in the Latvian Open Championship for Micro Class yachts and Euro Micro 2014 on August 15 to 17, 2014.
At the…