Micro Cupper Class

Governed by the Micro Class Constitution,
Micro Class Rules and Regulations.

Hot news

Storm Jib not required

Class Rules changes Storm Jib not required on new class rules 05.03.6.a and 05.03.6.a deleted 05.07.01 deleted Micro Class rules

Euro Micro Results for 2022

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We finally have the final results of the 2022 Euro Micro Cup after all 2022 Regattas. Congratulations to the winners and all the crews !

Statement on jib measurement

IMCCA statement on jib measurement All jibs measured by an official Micro class measurer by July 2022 or later will be considered valid. All measurements are always to be measured according to the class…

Euro Micro Results for 2021

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We finally have  the final results of the 2021 Euro Micro Cup after all 2021 Regattas. Congratulations to the winners and all the crews !

Info for the 2020 Micro Class World Championships

Micro Class World Championship in Gdynia (Poland) is cancelled because of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. This is the decision of Polish Micro Class and  Polish Yachting Association. Instead…

Virtual Euro Micro Germany 25-26th April 2020

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The Euro Micro Germany will happen, despite the cancellation of all sporting events, in a virtual manner. Meet all the Micro runners from 25th to 26th April and meet international runners on Virtual Regatta…

Euro Micro Italy 12-14 June 2020 is postponed

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The Euro Micro Italy is postponed probably to the 3rd week-end of September, the date will be confirmed soon.

Virtual Euro Micro France 11-13th April 2020

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The Euro Micro Easter will happen, despite the cancellation of all sporting events, in a virtual manner. Meet all the Micro runners from 11th to 13th April and meet international runners on Virtual Regatta…

POSTPONED – Euro Micro Paris 11-13th April 2020

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After the success of the 2019 edition, Euro Micro Paris will take place again on the Lavacourt lake over Easter. 22 Micro had come together, some from Russia, Germany or the 4 corners of France. 3 days…

Euro Micro Results for 2019

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We finally have  the final results of the 2019 Euro Micro Cup after all 2019 Regattas. Congratulations to the winners and all the crews !

RSS MicroClass France

  • Vente Micro Proto modèle Microbe 05.01.2024
    1290 € BATEAU VENDU ! Micro Proto modèle Microbe avec une remorque sans carte grise. Mât, tangon et bôme en alu avec les VOILES DE REGATE : GV, Foc et spi   Cet article Vendu : Vente Micro Proto modèle Microbe est apparu en premier sur MC18 Microclass France.

RSS MicroClass Poland

  • Typy żeglarstwa sportowego 01.13.2024
    Wyścigi floty żeglarskiej W świecie żeglarstwa regaty flotowe cieszą się największą popularnością. To forma rywalizacji, w której łodzie ścigają się na wyznaczonym torze. Istnieją dwie główne odmiany tego typu zawodów: regaty jednoklasowe oraz regaty z podziałem na klasy. W regatach jednoklasowych podobnie jak to ma miejsce podczas Igrzysk Olimpijskich w żeglarstwie, wszystkie łodzie są identyczne,… […]

RSS MicroClass Russia

  • Этап Кубка России Микро в Тольятти завершен. 08.07.2024
    «Отлично! Хотим еще!» такими словами охарактеризовал Владимир Баженов, победитель этого этапа и Кубка России 2025 в классе Микро, соревнования на Волжской акватории. И это несмотря на маловетреную погоду, после которой обычно у участников остается чувство разочарования данными соревнованиями. Здесь даже слабый ветер и странные требования по безопасности от Главного Мерителя не дали сформироваться негативу. КАК […]

Micro Cupper Class international feeds